By Allan Galbraith
Community Bowls is over for the season, with some tight results determining the winners of the premier trophy, the Todd Anquetil Cup, and the Plate. The Cup recognises the contribution of Todd Anquetil, a great supporter of Community Bowls from its inception in 2002, and indeed the extended Anquetil family ever since. The Plate was gifted in 2021 by Judy Liddell of Attire for Hire and provides players with another prizewinning option.
The winner of the Plate was Hot Sweaty Bowls (Darren Black, Andrew Mitchell, Justin Slicker and Chris Black). The plate was presented by Judy.
Johnsonville Bowling Club is most appreciative of the continuing principal sponsorship of Ryman Healthcare (Malvina Major Retirement Village); and also, the generous support of New World, Churton Park, Jono of 1841 Bar and Restaurant, and Taylor Preston Ltd.
The Club is also grateful to the members who continue to work to make Community Bowls a success each year. Some, but by no means all, of them are in the photos.
Community Bowls 2023 was managed by Logan Amer.