All Bowlers should know and understand the Laws of the Game as laid down by Bowls New Zealand.
Club Colours are to be worn at all times. Flat rubber soled shoes are to be worn on the greens at all times. Mufti may be worn after 4pm and for Roll - Ups when no organised activity such as Mixed Draw, Club or Centre Events are taking place.
Neat and tidy dress is expected from all Members in keeping with the standard of facilities offered by the Club.
After delivering his/hers bowls, a player should retire to the bank. He/She should not take up a position at or in front of the mat.
Do not wander around or move about the head when a player is about to deliver a bowl.
Bowls should not be kicked until the shot(s) has been decided.
Bowls should not be dropped on the green.
Do not stand on the edges of the green.
Matches, cigarette ends, etc should be placed in receptacles and NOT IN THE DITCHES.
When watching a game always observe strict neutrality. Advice or criticism must not be given. Barracking is bad form.
Bowls is a friendly game and all players should show sportsmanship and remember courtesy costs nothing. When you finish your game, congratulate the winner, thank the marker, umpire and socialise with your opposition.
All players are asked to assist in setting out scrims, mats and scoreboards prior to the commencement of play and then return them to the lock - ups at the close of play.
If you have a change of address or phone number please advise the secretary as soon as possible.
Worthwhile suggestions will always receive consideration. Offers of help in any sphere of Club activity will be welcome. Members who offer constructive suggestions or who volunteer to do constructive work are the lifeblood of any Club.
Make your Club an asset by doing your part to promote its interest.
Contact a member of the Executive.